Florynce Kennedy Quote

In a jockocratic society, you can turn on the TV and find out the score of some basketball game in Alaska — but you can't find out how many states have ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. You can turn on the radio, and hear every score in the country repeated all day long — but you don't hear how many women died from illegal abortions.

Ms. Magazine (19 August 2011)

In a jockocratic society, you can turn on the TV and find out the score of some basketball game in Alaska — but you can't find out how many states...

In a jockocratic society, you can turn on the TV and find out the score of some basketball game in Alaska — but you can't find out how many states...

In a jockocratic society, you can turn on the TV and find out the score of some basketball game in Alaska — but you can't find out how many states...

In a jockocratic society, you can turn on the TV and find out the score of some basketball game in Alaska — but you can't find out how many states...