The world should be assured that, although there may always be some who exploit any religion for their interests, Islam does not approve of terrorism in any form. Terrorism cannot be used to achieve any Islamic goal. No terrorist can be a Muslim, and no true Muslim can be a terrorist. Islam orders peace, and the Qur'an demands from each true Muslim that he or she be a symbol of peace and support the maintenance of basic human rights. If a ship is carrying nine criminals and one innocent person, Islam does not allow the ship to be sunk to punish the nine criminals, for doing so would violate the innocent person's rights.

"Gülen's Condemnation Message of Terrorism", 2001

The world should be assured that, although there may always be some who exploit any religion for their interests, Islam does not approve of terrorism ...

The world should be assured that, although there may always be some who exploit any religion for their interests, Islam does not approve of terrorism ...

The world should be assured that, although there may always be some who exploit any religion for their interests, Islam does not approve of terrorism ...

The world should be assured that, although there may always be some who exploit any religion for their interests, Islam does not approve of terrorism ...