Erwin Schrödinger Quote

Not one word is said here of acausality, wave mechanics, indeterminacy relations, complementarity, … etc. Why doesn't he talk about what he knows instead of trespassing on the professional philosopher's preserves? Ne sutor supra crepidam. On this I can cheerfully justify myself: because I do not think that these things have as much connection as is currently supposed with a philosophical view of the world.

pp. vii-viii - My View of the World (1961)

Not one word is said here of acausality, wave mechanics, indeterminacy relations, complementarity, … etc. Why doesn't he talk about what he knows...

Not one word is said here of acausality, wave mechanics, indeterminacy relations, complementarity, … etc. Why doesn't he talk about what he knows...

Not one word is said here of acausality, wave mechanics, indeterminacy relations, complementarity, … etc. Why doesn't he talk about what he knows...

Not one word is said here of acausality, wave mechanics, indeterminacy relations, complementarity, … etc. Why doesn't he talk about what he knows...