The highest triumph of the human mind, the true knowledge of the most general laws of nature, ought not to remain the private possession of a privileged class of learned men, but ought to become the common property of all mankind.

Translated by E. Ray Lankester, The History of Creation, Or, The Development of the Earth and Its, Inhabitants by the Action of Natural Causes (Volume 1) (4th edition), Chapter I (p. 4)

The highest triumph of the human mind, the true knowledge of the most general laws of nature, ought not to remain the private possession of a...

The highest triumph of the human mind, the true knowledge of the most general laws of nature, ought not to remain the private possession of a...

The highest triumph of the human mind, the true knowledge of the most general laws of nature, ought not to remain the private possession of a...

The highest triumph of the human mind, the true knowledge of the most general laws of nature, ought not to remain the private possession of a...