Emmet Fox Quote

No Scientific Christian ever considers hatred or execration to be "justifiable" in any circumstances, but whatever your opinion about that might be, there is no question about its practical consequences to you. You might as well swallow a dose of prussic acid in two gulps, and think to protect yourself by saying, "This one is for Robespierre; and this one for the Bristol murderer." You will hardly have any doubt as to who will receive the benefit of the poison.

The Sermon on the Mount (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1938), p. 78; quoted in Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies, in BarryPopik.com (20 December 2013).

No Scientific Christian ever considers hatred or execration to be justifiable in any circumstances, but whatever your opinion about that might be,...

No Scientific Christian ever considers hatred or execration to be justifiable in any circumstances, but whatever your opinion about that might be,...

No Scientific Christian ever considers hatred or execration to be justifiable in any circumstances, but whatever your opinion about that might be,...

No Scientific Christian ever considers hatred or execration to be justifiable in any circumstances, but whatever your opinion about that might be,...