Imagination greets the baleful tide
And seeks a ceremony in its coming.
Desire for vision is incorrigibly
Demanding. We are the citizens, not seers,
Asking our little governments to bring
Order and shape to guide a way to sing.

Extending the Territory (1985)

Imagination greets the baleful tide And seeks a ceremony in its coming. Desire for vision is incorrigibly Demanding. We are the citizens, not seers,...

Imagination greets the baleful tide And seeks a ceremony in its coming. Desire for vision is incorrigibly Demanding. We are the citizens, not seers,...

Imagination greets the baleful tide And seeks a ceremony in its coming. Desire for vision is incorrigibly Demanding. We are the citizens, not seers,...

Imagination greets the baleful tide And seeks a ceremony in its coming. Desire for vision is incorrigibly Demanding. We are the citizens, not seers,...