Elizabeth Jane Howard Quote

I don't like being alone, but I'm getting much better at it. When you make a lot of mistakes, you always pay for them. Not at the time, not necessarily all at once, but you always do pay. And I pay by having to spend the rest of my life on my own.

The Telegraph (2 January 2014)

I don't like being alone, but I'm getting much better at it. When you make a lot of mistakes, you always pay for them. Not at the time, not...

I don't like being alone, but I'm getting much better at it. When you make a lot of mistakes, you always pay for them. Not at the time, not...

I don't like being alone, but I'm getting much better at it. When you make a lot of mistakes, you always pay for them. Not at the time, not...

I don't like being alone, but I'm getting much better at it. When you make a lot of mistakes, you always pay for them. Not at the time, not...