If I had but two loaves of bread I would sell one of them, and buy White Hyacinths to feed my soul.

So Here Cometh White Hyacinths: Being a Book of the Heart (1907), Preface
Attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad by Elbert in: As it Seems to Me (Roycroft Shop, 1898), p. 74

If I had but two loaves of bread I would sell one of them, and buy White Hyacinths to feed my soul.

If I had but two loaves of bread I would sell one of them, and buy White Hyacinths to feed my soul.

If I had but two loaves of bread I would sell one of them, and buy White Hyacinths to feed my soul.

If I had but two loaves of bread I would sell one of them, and buy White Hyacinths to feed my soul.