Edward V. Berard Quote

Software people seem to have a love-hate relationship with metrics. On one hand, they despise and distrust anything that sounds or looks like a measurement. They are quick to point out the "flaws" in the arguments of anyone who talks about measuring software products, software processes, and (especially) software people. On the other hand, these same people seem to have no problems identifying which programming language is the best, the stupid things that managers do to "ruin" projects, and who's methodology works in what situations.

Edward V. Berard (1998) "Metrics for object-oriented software engineering." The Object Agency, Inc.

Software people seem to have a love-hate relationship with metrics. On one hand, they despise and distrust anything that sounds or looks like a...

Software people seem to have a love-hate relationship with metrics. On one hand, they despise and distrust anything that sounds or looks like a...

Software people seem to have a love-hate relationship with metrics. On one hand, they despise and distrust anything that sounds or looks like a...

Software people seem to have a love-hate relationship with metrics. On one hand, they despise and distrust anything that sounds or looks like a...