From the outset we must decide whether to use Universe or universe. This in not so trivial a matter as it might seem. We know of only one planet called Earth; similarly, we know of only one Universe. Surely then the proper word is Universe?

Cosmology: The Science of the Universe, Chapter 1 (p. 10), Cambridge University Press. 1981

From the outset we must decide whether to use Universe or universe. This in not so trivial a matter as it might seem. We know of only one planet...

From the outset we must decide whether to use Universe or universe. This in not so trivial a matter as it might seem. We know of only one planet...

From the outset we must decide whether to use Universe or universe. This in not so trivial a matter as it might seem. We know of only one planet...

From the outset we must decide whether to use Universe or universe. This in not so trivial a matter as it might seem. We know of only one planet...