The labouring man, that tills the fertile soil,
And reaps the harvest fruit, hath not in deed
The gain, but pain; and if for all his toil
He gets the straw, the lord will have the seed.

'The labouring man, that tills the fertile soil' (1573) st. 1

The labouring man, that tills the fertile soil, And reaps the harvest fruit, hath not in deed The gain, but pain; and if for all his toil He gets the ...

The labouring man, that tills the fertile soil, And reaps the harvest fruit, hath not in deed The gain, but pain; and if for all his toil He gets the ...

The labouring man, that tills the fertile soil, And reaps the harvest fruit, hath not in deed The gain, but pain; and if for all his toil He gets the ...

The labouring man, that tills the fertile soil, And reaps the harvest fruit, hath not in deed The gain, but pain; and if for all his toil He gets the ...