I knew that I had ample room in which to wander, since science has calculated the diameter of space to be eighty-four thousand million light years, which, when one reflects that light travels at the rate of one hundred eighty-six thousand miles a second, should satisfy the wanderlust of the most inveterate roamer.

Pirates of Venus, Chapter Two (p. 19), University of Nebraska Press. 2001

I knew that I had ample room in which to wander, since science has calculated the diameter of space to be eighty-four thousand million light years,...

I knew that I had ample room in which to wander, since science has calculated the diameter of space to be eighty-four thousand million light years,...

I knew that I had ample room in which to wander, since science has calculated the diameter of space to be eighty-four thousand million light years,...

I knew that I had ample room in which to wander, since science has calculated the diameter of space to be eighty-four thousand million light years,...