Leave off the 'financially'.Let the financial be the result of honest, sincere desire to be and live so that others may know the way also. Good gives the increase.
Answering to the question: 'In what field of endeavor am I most likely to succeed financially?'
Edgar Cayce
Forget the financial angle and consider rather which is the best outlet for the greatest contribution you can make towards making the world a better place in which to live. Efforts should never be expended purely for mercenary reasons. Pecuniary gains should come as a result of the entity's using his abilities in the direction of being helpful.
In reply to a gifted 13 year old boy's question Which of my aptitudes should I follow for the greatest success in adult life, financially?
Edgar Cayce
Don't worry so much where you live but how you live. Make the family of man your family as well.
On being asked: 'Where is the safest place to live?'
Edgar Cayce