Douglas John Foskett Quote

In all this, I have made no mention of punched cards and all the other hardware. The CRG would have been hard put to it to ignore this, even if it had wanted to, which it does not. We believe, however, that there will, in the foreseeable future, remain a need for classification to provide research workers with the opportunity for browsing and for imposing some discipline on a literature that tends always towards greater disorder. We believe that, since hundreds of millions of dollars and rubles are being spent on hardware, and fat volumes roll off the presses almost day and night, that ten shillings a year that the CRG collects from its members will not be missed.

p. 137 - The Classification Research Group 1952—1962 (1962)

In all this, I have made no mention of punched cards and all the other hardware. The CRG would have been hard put to it to ignore this, even if it...

In all this, I have made no mention of punched cards and all the other hardware. The CRG would have been hard put to it to ignore this, even if it...

In all this, I have made no mention of punched cards and all the other hardware. The CRG would have been hard put to it to ignore this, even if it...

In all this, I have made no mention of punched cards and all the other hardware. The CRG would have been hard put to it to ignore this, even if it...