I took little interest in fleshly infants; it being my private opinion that their attractions did not justify the fuss that was made about them. I had, for instance, early discovered that, if you gave a baby a finger to hold, it held it. This was perhaps interesting, but it wanted greatly in the dear element of surprise.

The Singing Gold (ed. 1929)

I took little interest in fleshly infants; it being my private opinion that their attractions did not justify the fuss that was made about them. I...

I took little interest in fleshly infants; it being my private opinion that their attractions did not justify the fuss that was made about them. I...

I took little interest in fleshly infants; it being my private opinion that their attractions did not justify the fuss that was made about them. I...

I took little interest in fleshly infants; it being my private opinion that their attractions did not justify the fuss that was made about them. I...