Donald Schön Quote

A social system does not move smoothly from one state of its culture to another... Something old must come apart in order for something new to come together. But for individuals within the system, there is no clear grasp of the next stable state - only a clear picture of the one to be lost Hence, the coming apart carries uncertainty and anguish for the members of the system since it puts at risk the basis for self-identity that the system had provided.

Schon (1971: 51) cited in: Hedley Beare, Richard Slaughter (1994) Education for the Twenty-first Century. p. 15-16

A social system does not move smoothly from one state of its culture to another... Something old must come apart in order for something new to come...

A social system does not move smoothly from one state of its culture to another... Something old must come apart in order for something new to come...

A social system does not move smoothly from one state of its culture to another... Something old must come apart in order for something new to come...

A social system does not move smoothly from one state of its culture to another... Something old must come apart in order for something new to come...