He was, so to speak, the most excellent of tyrants; his sway was absolute, but he used it well.... Both wife and children were affectionately inclined toward him — for some people are happiest in being thus ruled; it takes away so much moral responsibility.

The Ogilvies (1898)

He was, so to speak, the most excellent of tyrants; his sway was absolute, but he used it well.... Both wife and children were affectionately...

He was, so to speak, the most excellent of tyrants; his sway was absolute, but he used it well.... Both wife and children were affectionately...

He was, so to speak, the most excellent of tyrants; his sway was absolute, but he used it well.... Both wife and children were affectionately...

He was, so to speak, the most excellent of tyrants; his sway was absolute, but he used it well.... Both wife and children were affectionately...