Dennis Sciama Quote

Since we find it difficult to make a suitable model of a certain type, Nature must find it difficult too. This argument neglects the possibility that Nature may be cleverer than we are. It even neglects the possibility that we may be cleverer tomorrow than we are today.

In: Neil de Grasse Tyson, Galactic Engines, Natural History, Volume 106, Number 4, May 1997 (p. 71)

Since we find it difficult to make a suitable model of a certain type, Nature must find it difficult too. This argument neglects the possibility that ...

Since we find it difficult to make a suitable model of a certain type, Nature must find it difficult too. This argument neglects the possibility that ...

Since we find it difficult to make a suitable model of a certain type, Nature must find it difficult too. This argument neglects the possibility that ...

Since we find it difficult to make a suitable model of a certain type, Nature must find it difficult too. This argument neglects the possibility that ...