Dennis Meadows Quote

Technology can relieve the symptoms of a problem without affecting the underlying causes. Faith in technology as the ultimate solution to all problems can thus divert our attention from the most fundamental problem — the problem of growth in a finite system — and prevent us from taking effective action to solve it.

The Limits to Growth: The 30 Year Update, Chapter IV (p. 154), Chelsea Green Publishing. White River Junction, Vermont, USA. 2004

Technology can relieve the symptoms of a problem without affecting the underlying causes. Faith in technology as the ultimate solution to all...

Technology can relieve the symptoms of a problem without affecting the underlying causes. Faith in technology as the ultimate solution to all...

Technology can relieve the symptoms of a problem without affecting the underlying causes. Faith in technology as the ultimate solution to all...

Technology can relieve the symptoms of a problem without affecting the underlying causes. Faith in technology as the ultimate solution to all...