I would not like you to deduce from my remarks that I am thinking solely, or even mainly of academic excellence. Students come to a university to learn, but also to live. A good education results more from the absorption of an environment than from formal teaching. The university provides opportunities for stimulating curiosity and criticism.

P 23. - A New University in a Changing World

I would not like you to deduce from my remarks that I am thinking solely, or even mainly of academic excellence. Students come to a university to...

I would not like you to deduce from my remarks that I am thinking solely, or even mainly of academic excellence. Students come to a university to...

I would not like you to deduce from my remarks that I am thinking solely, or even mainly of academic excellence. Students come to a university to...

I would not like you to deduce from my remarks that I am thinking solely, or even mainly of academic excellence. Students come to a university to...