Now as well every thing CUSTOM, which proceeds from a past repetition, without any new reasoning or conclusion, we may establish as a certain truth, that all the belief, which follows upon any present impression, is deriv'd solely from that origin.

§ 3.7 - A Treatise of Human Nature (1739-40) - Of The Understanding

Now as well every thing CUSTOM, which proceeds from a past repetition, without any new reasoning or conclusion, we may establish as a certain truth,...

Now as well every thing CUSTOM, which proceeds from a past repetition, without any new reasoning or conclusion, we may establish as a certain truth,...

Now as well every thing CUSTOM, which proceeds from a past repetition, without any new reasoning or conclusion, we may establish as a certain truth,...

Now as well every thing CUSTOM, which proceeds from a past repetition, without any new reasoning or conclusion, we may establish as a certain truth,...