I learned to understand their language and to speak it a little. Immediately the news spread throughout the kingdom that two little wild men had been discovered. We were smaller than everybody else because the wilderness had provided us with such bad food. And it was a genetic defect that caused us to have forelimbs that weren't strong enough to support us.
This belief gained strength through repetition despite the priests of the country. They opposed it, saying that it was an awful impiety to believe that not only animals but monsters might be of the same species as they.

The Other World (1657)

I learned to understand their language and to speak it a little. Immediately the news spread throughout the kingdom that two little wild men had been ...

I learned to understand their language and to speak it a little. Immediately the news spread throughout the kingdom that two little wild men had been ...

I learned to understand their language and to speak it a little. Immediately the news spread throughout the kingdom that two little wild men had been ...

I learned to understand their language and to speak it a little. Immediately the news spread throughout the kingdom that two little wild men had been ...