Curtis Yarvin Quote

The entire intellectual system of the West was corrupted by its twentieth-century connection to government. Public opinion reflects press opinion, press opinion reflects academic politics, and academic politics are driven by power-struggles in which the attraction of the state is clear.
The victory of Keynesian over Misesian economics, for example, is a classic case of this. Theories of economics which led to jobs advising the state were adaptive. Theories which didn't weren't.

"Why, when, and how to abolish the United States" (July 7, 2007).

The entire intellectual system of the West was corrupted by its twentieth-century connection to government. Public opinion reflects press opinion,...

The entire intellectual system of the West was corrupted by its twentieth-century connection to government. Public opinion reflects press opinion,...

The entire intellectual system of the West was corrupted by its twentieth-century connection to government. Public opinion reflects press opinion,...

The entire intellectual system of the West was corrupted by its twentieth-century connection to government. Public opinion reflects press opinion,...