Curtis Yarvin Quote

To a Carlylean, the main event is the struggle between left and right. Which is the struggle between good and evil. Which is the struggle between order and chaos. Evil is chaos; good is order. Evil is left; good is right. Evil is fiction; good is truth.

From Mises to Carlyle: my sick journey to the dark side of the force

To a Carlylean, the main event is the struggle between left and right. Which is the struggle between good and evil. Which is the struggle between...

To a Carlylean, the main event is the struggle between left and right. Which is the struggle between good and evil. Which is the struggle between...

To a Carlylean, the main event is the struggle between left and right. Which is the struggle between good and evil. Which is the struggle between...

To a Carlylean, the main event is the struggle between left and right. Which is the struggle between good and evil. Which is the struggle between...