Coco Chanel Quote

If I can only get out into the fresh air I'll always revive. These days I'm worn out and pasty-faced but give me a day in the air and I'll be like new.

Life (19 August 1957)

If I can only get out into the fresh air I'll always revive. These days I'm worn out and pasty-faced but give me a day in the air and I'll be like...

If I can only get out into the fresh air I'll always revive. These days I'm worn out and pasty-faced but give me a day in the air and I'll be like...

If I can only get out into the fresh air I'll always revive. These days I'm worn out and pasty-faced but give me a day in the air and I'll be like...

If I can only get out into the fresh air I'll always revive. These days I'm worn out and pasty-faced but give me a day in the air and I'll be like...