For what is there more hideous than avarice, more brutal than lust, more contemptible than cowardice, more base than stupidity and folly?

Book I, section 51; (Translation by C.D. Yonge) - De Legibus (On the Laws)

For what is there more hideous than avarice, more brutal than lust, more contemptible than cowardice, more base than stupidity and folly?

For what is there more hideous than avarice, more brutal than lust, more contemptible than cowardice, more base than stupidity and folly?

For what is there more hideous than avarice, more brutal than lust, more contemptible than cowardice, more base than stupidity and folly?

For what is there more hideous than avarice, more brutal than lust, more contemptible than cowardice, more base than stupidity and folly?