Cherry Kearton Quote

Nature's children do not reveal their intimate ways to the bustling, human noise-maker, and he who would seek to know something of their interesting daily doings must first of all acquire the faculty to observe whilst remaining unobserved, and hear without being heard.

Wild Nature's Ways, Chapter I (p. 1), Cassell & Co., Ltd. 1903

Nature's children do not reveal their intimate ways to the bustling, human noise-maker, and he who would seek to know something of their interesting...

Nature's children do not reveal their intimate ways to the bustling, human noise-maker, and he who would seek to know something of their interesting...

Nature's children do not reveal their intimate ways to the bustling, human noise-maker, and he who would seek to know something of their interesting...

Nature's children do not reveal their intimate ways to the bustling, human noise-maker, and he who would seek to know something of their interesting...