So I wonder a woman, the Mistress of Hearts,
Should ascent to aspire to be Master of Arts;
A Ministering Angel in Woman we see,
And an Angel need cover no other Degree.
—O why should a Woman not get a Degree?

"O why should a Woman not get a Degree?", pulished in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (1869), p. 227.

So I wonder a woman, the Mistress of Hearts, Should ascent to aspire to be Master of Arts; A Ministering Angel in Woman we see, And an Angel need...

So I wonder a woman, the Mistress of Hearts, Should ascent to aspire to be Master of Arts; A Ministering Angel in Woman we see, And an Angel need...

So I wonder a woman, the Mistress of Hearts, Should ascent to aspire to be Master of Arts; A Ministering Angel in Woman we see, And an Angel need...

So I wonder a woman, the Mistress of Hearts, Should ascent to aspire to be Master of Arts; A Ministering Angel in Woman we see, And an Angel need...