By the multiplying of slight modifications in the course of thousands of generations, and by the handing down of the newly-acquired peculiarities by inheritance, a greater and greater divergence from the original standard is supposed to be effected, until what may be called a new species, or, in a greater lapse of time, a new genus, will be the result.

Ch.21, p. 411 - The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man (1863)

By the multiplying of slight modifications in the course of thousands of generations, and by the handing down of the newly-acquired peculiarities by...

By the multiplying of slight modifications in the course of thousands of generations, and by the handing down of the newly-acquired peculiarities by...

By the multiplying of slight modifications in the course of thousands of generations, and by the handing down of the newly-acquired peculiarities by...

By the multiplying of slight modifications in the course of thousands of generations, and by the handing down of the newly-acquired peculiarities by...