For 12 years I have had the honor of teaching geometry and mechanics applied to the arts, in favor of the industrial class... on the most important questions to the well-being, education, and morality of the workers, to the progress of national industry, to the development of all means of prosperity that work can produce for the splendor and happiness of our country.

Charles Dupin (1831), Discours sur le Sort des Ouvriers [Discourse on the Condition of the Workers] Paris: Bachelier Librairie. p. 1. ; Translation Wren & Bedeian (2005, 73)

For 12 years I have had the honor of teaching geometry and mechanics applied to the arts, in favor of the industrial class... on the most important...

For 12 years I have had the honor of teaching geometry and mechanics applied to the arts, in favor of the industrial class... on the most important...

For 12 years I have had the honor of teaching geometry and mechanics applied to the arts, in favor of the industrial class... on the most important...

For 12 years I have had the honor of teaching geometry and mechanics applied to the arts, in favor of the industrial class... on the most important...