My books have sold largely in England, have been translated into many languages, and passed through several editions in foreign countries. I have heard it said that the success of a work abroad is the best test of its enduring value. I doubt whether this is at all trustworthy; but judged by this standard my name ought to last for a few years.

Charles Darwin's Works: The life and letters of Charles Darwin... ed. by his son, Francis Darwin. 2v (ed. 1896)

My books have sold largely in England, have been translated into many languages, and passed through several editions in foreign countries. I have...

My books have sold largely in England, have been translated into many languages, and passed through several editions in foreign countries. I have...

My books have sold largely in England, have been translated into many languages, and passed through several editions in foreign countries. I have...

My books have sold largely in England, have been translated into many languages, and passed through several editions in foreign countries. I have...