But you love her. Will stared at him. Of course I do, he said finally. I had come to think I would never love anyone, but I love her.

Clockwork Prince (ed. Simon and Schuster, 2013) - ISBN: 9781416975892

But you love her. Will stared at him. Of course I do, he said finally. I had come to think I would never love anyone, but I love her.

But you love her. Will stared at him. Of course I do, he said finally. I had come to think I would never love anyone, but I love her.

But you love her. Will stared at him. Of course I do, he said finally. I had come to think I would never love anyone, but I love her.

But you love her. Will stared at him. Of course I do, he said finally. I had come to think I would never love anyone, but I love her.