War is the province of chance. in no other sphere of human activity must such a margin be left for this intruder. it increases the uncertainty of every circumstance and deranges the course of events.

On war: Translated from the German by O.J. Matthijs Jolles (ed. 1943)

War is the province of chance. in no other sphere of human activity must such a margin be left for this intruder. it increases the uncertainty of...

War is the province of chance. in no other sphere of human activity must such a margin be left for this intruder. it increases the uncertainty of...

War is the province of chance. in no other sphere of human activity must such a margin be left for this intruder. it increases the uncertainty of...

War is the province of chance. in no other sphere of human activity must such a margin be left for this intruder. it increases the uncertainty of...