Nearly all of the grand, fundamental discoveries and inventions by which man has lifted himself out of his dark animal past were but repetitions of discoveries and inventions which nature had made eras before our anthropoid ancestor first stood erect and looked up into the sky.

Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, (1933), Nature's Own Seaplanes (p. 333)

Nearly all of the grand, fundamental discoveries and inventions by which man has lifted himself out of his dark animal past were but repetitions of...

Nearly all of the grand, fundamental discoveries and inventions by which man has lifted himself out of his dark animal past were but repetitions of...

Nearly all of the grand, fundamental discoveries and inventions by which man has lifted himself out of his dark animal past were but repetitions of...

Nearly all of the grand, fundamental discoveries and inventions by which man has lifted himself out of his dark animal past were but repetitions of...