Camille Flammarion Quote

Orb of dream and mystery, pale sun of the night, solitary globe wandering in the silent firmament, the moon has in all times and among all nations peculiarly attracted attention and thought.

Popular Astronomy: A General Description of the Heavens, Book II, Chapter VI (p. 145), Chatto & Windus. 1894

Orb of dream and mystery, pale sun of the night, solitary globe wandering in the silent firmament, the moon has in all times and among all nations...

Orb of dream and mystery, pale sun of the night, solitary globe wandering in the silent firmament, the moon has in all times and among all nations...

Orb of dream and mystery, pale sun of the night, solitary globe wandering in the silent firmament, the moon has in all times and among all nations...

Orb of dream and mystery, pale sun of the night, solitary globe wandering in the silent firmament, the moon has in all times and among all nations...