Brooks D. Simpson Quote

In pre-war correspondence, Lee castigated the abolitionists for their political activity, and he never showed any qualms about the social order that he would later defend with arms. He also had a few slaves that he inherited as part of a will agreement, with provisions to emancipate those slaves. But in fact, he dragged his heels in complying with the terms of that will. And he never gave a second thought to the fact that his beloved Arlington mansion was run by slave labor.

Intelligence Report: Rebels With A Cause (2000)

In pre-war correspondence, Lee castigated the abolitionists for their political activity, and he never showed any qualms about the social order that...

In pre-war correspondence, Lee castigated the abolitionists for their political activity, and he never showed any qualms about the social order that...

In pre-war correspondence, Lee castigated the abolitionists for their political activity, and he never showed any qualms about the social order that...

In pre-war correspondence, Lee castigated the abolitionists for their political activity, and he never showed any qualms about the social order that...