I will now say, not only to our delegate to Congress, but to the Elders who leave the body of the Church, that he thought that all the cats and kittens were let out of the bag when brother Pratt went back last fall, and published the Revelation concerning the plurality of wives: it was thought there was no other cat to let out. But allow me to tell you, Elders of Israel, and delegates to Congress, you may expect an eternity of cats, that have not yet escaped from the bag. Bless your souls, there is no end to them, for if there is not one thing, there will always be another.

Journal of Discourses, 1:188 (June 19, 1853) - Polygamy

Wikisource Journal of Discourses/Volume 1/Where the Wicked Go, etc.

I will now say, not only to our delegate to Congress, but to the Elders who leave the body of the Church, that he thought that all the cats and...

I will now say, not only to our delegate to Congress, but to the Elders who leave the body of the Church, that he thought that all the cats and...

I will now say, not only to our delegate to Congress, but to the Elders who leave the body of the Church, that he thought that all the cats and...

I will now say, not only to our delegate to Congress, but to the Elders who leave the body of the Church, that he thought that all the cats and...