Bret Easton Ellis Quote

It's definitely the book that I can tell—I don't know if other people can tell but I can tell as a writer–-is probably the most divisive that I've written. It has an equal number of detractors as it does fans. It doesn't really hold true with the other books. It was the one that took the longest to write, and the one that seemed the most important at the time. It's an unwieldy book... I like it.

On Glamorama

It's definitely the book that I can tell—I don't know if other people can tell but I can tell as a writer–-is probably the most divisive that...

It's definitely the book that I can tell—I don't know if other people can tell but I can tell as a writer–-is probably the most divisive that...

It's definitely the book that I can tell—I don't know if other people can tell but I can tell as a writer–-is probably the most divisive that...

It's definitely the book that I can tell—I don't know if other people can tell but I can tell as a writer–-is probably the most divisive that...