Bonnie Koppell Quote

As a rabbi I am often called upon to determine the kashrut of various food products and institutions. I am appalled by the number of chemicals that are added to our food, and long for the days when one did not need a degree in chemistry in order to understand what one was eating. From my perspective, I'm tempted to brand all food additives as treif, and hail as glatt kosher only those fruits and vegetables that are organically grown.

p. 38 - Vegetarianism

As a rabbi I am often called upon to determine the kashrut of various food products and institutions. I am appalled by the number of chemicals that...

As a rabbi I am often called upon to determine the kashrut of various food products and institutions. I am appalled by the number of chemicals that...

As a rabbi I am often called upon to determine the kashrut of various food products and institutions. I am appalled by the number of chemicals that...

As a rabbi I am often called upon to determine the kashrut of various food products and institutions. I am appalled by the number of chemicals that...