Bob Barr Quote

... there remains time to turn back the constitutional clock and roll back excessive post-9/11 powers before we turn the corner into another Japanese internment or, closer to our own experiences, before we witness a legally sanctioned Ruby Ridge or Waco scenario.

Testimony Submitted to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on America Post-9/11, 18 November 2003, as quoted in America after 9/11: Freedom Preserved or Freedom Lost?.

There remains time to turn back the constitutional clock and roll back excessive post-9/11 powers before we turn the corner into another Japanese...

There remains time to turn back the constitutional clock and roll back excessive post-9/11 powers before we turn the corner into another Japanese...

There remains time to turn back the constitutional clock and roll back excessive post-9/11 powers before we turn the corner into another Japanese...

There remains time to turn back the constitutional clock and roll back excessive post-9/11 powers before we turn the corner into another Japanese...