As each new skill is learned, you will merge it with those previously learned until, one day, you are simply drawing - just as, one day, you found yourself simply driving without thinking about how to do it.

The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (ed. Tarcher, 1999)

As each new skill is learned, you will merge it with those previously learned until, one day, you are simply drawing - just as, one day, you found...

As each new skill is learned, you will merge it with those previously learned until, one day, you are simply drawing - just as, one day, you found...

As each new skill is learned, you will merge it with those previously learned until, one day, you are simply drawing - just as, one day, you found...

As each new skill is learned, you will merge it with those previously learned until, one day, you are simply drawing - just as, one day, you found...