The recognition of the fact that infinite series fall into two classes (according to whether the limit is independent of the ordering of the terms or not) constitutes a turning-point in the conceptualization of the infinite in mathematics.

Quoted in Reinhold Remmert, Theory of Complex Functions, Part A, Chapter 0, section 4 (p. 30), Springer-Verlag. 1991

The recognition of the fact that infinite series fall into two classes (according to whether the limit is independent of the ordering of the terms or ...

The recognition of the fact that infinite series fall into two classes (according to whether the limit is independent of the ordering of the terms or ...

The recognition of the fact that infinite series fall into two classes (according to whether the limit is independent of the ordering of the terms or ...

The recognition of the fact that infinite series fall into two classes (according to whether the limit is independent of the ordering of the terms or ...