Since the princes have seized on the earth, it is fit the philosophers (who are as proud as the best of them) should reserve the heavens for themselves, without any competitors.

Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds - The Fourth Evening (p. 113), Printed for Peter Wilson. Dublin, Ireland. 1761

Since the princes have seized on the earth, it is fit the philosophers (who are as proud as the best of them) should reserve the heavens for...

Since the princes have seized on the earth, it is fit the philosophers (who are as proud as the best of them) should reserve the heavens for...

Since the princes have seized on the earth, it is fit the philosophers (who are as proud as the best of them) should reserve the heavens for...

Since the princes have seized on the earth, it is fit the philosophers (who are as proud as the best of them) should reserve the heavens for...