Bernard Cornwell Quote

They were thieves and murderers and fools and rapists and drunkards. Not one had joined for love of country, and certainly not for love of their King [...] They were paid pitifully, fined for every item they lost, and the few pennies they managed to keep they usually gambled away. They were feckless rogues, as violent as hounds and as coarse as swine, but they had two things.
They had pride.
And they had the precious ability to fire platoon volleys. They could fire those half company volleys faster than any other army in the world. Stand in front of these recoats and the balls came thick as hail. It was death to be in their way and seven French battlions were now in death's forecourt and the South Essex was tearing them to ribbons.

Narrator, p. 101 - Sharpe (Novel Series) - Sharpe's Escape (2003)

They were thieves and murderers and fools and rapists and drunkards. Not one had joined for love of country, and certainly not for love of their King ...

They were thieves and murderers and fools and rapists and drunkards. Not one had joined for love of country, and certainly not for love of their King ...