Every age and degree of understanding should have its proper measure of discipline. With regard to boys and adolescents, therefore, or those who cannot understand the seriousness of the penalty of excommunication, whenever such as these are delinquent let them be subjected to severe fasts or brought to terms by harsh beatings, that they may be cured.

Rule of St. Benedict: Chapter 30: How Boys Are to Be Corrected

Every age and degree of understanding should have its proper measure of discipline. With regard to boys and adolescents, therefore, or those who...

Every age and degree of understanding should have its proper measure of discipline. With regard to boys and adolescents, therefore, or those who...

Every age and degree of understanding should have its proper measure of discipline. With regard to boys and adolescents, therefore, or those who...

Every age and degree of understanding should have its proper measure of discipline. With regard to boys and adolescents, therefore, or those who...