What then is this superior thing
that in order to be sustained
must needs feed upon my flesh?
How came this horror to be?
Let's look to history.
They said, the white supremacists said,
that you were better than me.
That your fair brow would never know
the sweat of slavery.
They lied!
White womanhood too is enslaved;
the difference is degree.

A Black Woman Speaks (1974)

What then is this superior thing that in order to be sustained must needs feed upon my flesh? How came this horror to be? Let's look to history. They ...

What then is this superior thing that in order to be sustained must needs feed upon my flesh? How came this horror to be? Let's look to history. They ...

What then is this superior thing that in order to be sustained must needs feed upon my flesh? How came this horror to be? Let's look to history. They ...

What then is this superior thing that in order to be sustained must needs feed upon my flesh? How came this horror to be? Let's look to history. They ...