And Spaniards and Dutchmen, and Frenchmen and such men,
As foemen did curse them, the bowmen of England!
No other land could nurse them
But their motherland, Old England!
And on her broad bosom did they ever thrive!

Song The Yeomen of England

And Spaniards and Dutchmen, and Frenchmen and such men, As foemen did curse them, the bowmen of England! No other land could nurse them But their...

And Spaniards and Dutchmen, and Frenchmen and such men, As foemen did curse them, the bowmen of England! No other land could nurse them But their...

And Spaniards and Dutchmen, and Frenchmen and such men, As foemen did curse them, the bowmen of England! No other land could nurse them But their...

And Spaniards and Dutchmen, and Frenchmen and such men, As foemen did curse them, the bowmen of England! No other land could nurse them But their...