Barack Obama Quote

We believe that strong, successful countries require strong and vibrant civil societies. We know that throughout our history, human progress has been propelled not just by famous leaders, not just by states, but by ordinary men and women who believe that change is possible; by citizens who are willing to stand up against incredible odds and great danger not only to protect their own rights, but to extend rights to others.

Remarks at Panama Civil Society Forum (April 2015)

We believe that strong, successful countries require strong and vibrant civil societies. We know that throughout our history, human progress has been ...

We believe that strong, successful countries require strong and vibrant civil societies. We know that throughout our history, human progress has been ...

We believe that strong, successful countries require strong and vibrant civil societies. We know that throughout our history, human progress has been ...

We believe that strong, successful countries require strong and vibrant civil societies. We know that throughout our history, human progress has been ...