B. B. King Quote

When I first got the blues,
They brought me over on a ship.
Men was standing over me,
And a lot more with a whip.
And everybody wanna know,
Why I sing the blues.

Why I Sing the Blues (1969)

When I first got the blues, They brought me over on a ship. Men was standing over me, And a lot more with a whip. And everybody wanna know, Why I...

When I first got the blues, They brought me over on a ship. Men was standing over me, And a lot more with a whip. And everybody wanna know, Why I...

When I first got the blues, They brought me over on a ship. Men was standing over me, And a lot more with a whip. And everybody wanna know, Why I...

When I first got the blues, They brought me over on a ship. Men was standing over me, And a lot more with a whip. And everybody wanna know, Why I...