B. B. King Quote

I had begun to notice something about the difference between blues and gospel. A person would ask me to play a gospel tune and when I'd finished they'd say, 'Keep it up son - you'll be good some day,' and pat me on the shoulder, but they would never tip. But guys who would ask me to play a blues song would always tip and maybe give me a beer as well!

The Guardian (19 July 2001)

I had begun to notice something about the difference between blues and gospel. A person would ask me to play a gospel tune and when I'd finished...

I had begun to notice something about the difference between blues and gospel. A person would ask me to play a gospel tune and when I'd finished...

I had begun to notice something about the difference between blues and gospel. A person would ask me to play a gospel tune and when I'd finished...

I had begun to notice something about the difference between blues and gospel. A person would ask me to play a gospel tune and when I'd finished...